Environmental Education in the Philippines


Tonight (at midnight!), I will embark on one of the most exciting trips of my adult career: I will be traveling to the Philippines on a 2-week volunteer education project with the non-profit Gawad Kalinga. Over the last few months, I have had the unique opportunity to work alongside my sister, Naomi Arbit — a PhD candidate at Columbia University and current masters student at University of Pennsylvania — to create an original environmental education curriculum. Our curriculum seeks to use a positive psychology framework to improve the way that individuals interact with and relate to the environment around them.

After doing significant research into pedagogical practices in environmental education (my expertise) in addition to the physiological and psychological benefits of biophilia (Naomi’s expertise), we crafted our own 8-day unit plan. Below are 5 key tenants we hoped to infuse throughout our curriculum.

We want our environmental education curriculum to be:

  1. Positive: first and foremost, we want this environmental curriculum to leave individuals feeling empowered and energized to change the way they relate to the world around them. By working alongside individuals at the University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology program, I have learned a lot about this area of thought and worked to use its guiding principles within this curriculum to foster hope rather than hopelessness. From an environmental education standpoint, this is critical. According to Diana Liverman, co-director of the Institute of the Environment at the University of Arizona, environmental education can unintentionally leave individuals feeling distraught. Liverman warns teachers that merely telling individuals about scientific progress won’t incite any changes in their behavior towards the environment. Instead, teachers should focus on positive examples of change. As Liverman herself explains: “I’m not ignoring the terrifying things we are doing to our environment and our neighbors, it’s just that I am providing solutions and hope as well.” (Liverman, 2014).
  2. Individual: Diana Liverman also suggests that a successful environmental curriculum will focus on personal control and individual impact. In our curriculum, we constantly ground individuals in their own experiences: how can they show their gratitude to nature? How do they relate to food?
  3. Thought-Provoking: similar to my daily practice in my own science classroom, this curriculum guides individuals to access new information by continually asking questions. As such, each day is framed with an essential question that will be revisited throughout the lesson.
  4. Focused on Interconnectedness: a big theme of our environmental curricula relates to the idea that humans are deeply connected to the nature around them and the food they eat. Through activities (like my personal favorite from my AP Environmental Science class: Operation Cat Drop), poetry, and discussions around the meaning of quotes by Daniel Quinn and Henry David Thoreau, individuals will discuss how entwined they are in the systems around them. This idea will complement the positivity mentioned above, and we hope to get individuals excited about their interconnectedness with nature and food.
  5. Motivating: through a positive and individually-focused curriculum, we aim to leave individuals feeling motivated and inspired to change the world around them. Though the curriculum itself focuses on the role of the individual, we will discuss with individuals how they can bring these ideas and concepts to the communities around them.

For more on the curriculum and our Philippines adventure, stay tuned for more blog posts! And, if you have any ideas to expand our thinking on environmental education, please leave me a comment below!

 Works Cited:
Liverman, Diana. How to Teach About Climate Without Making Your Individuals Hopeless. Washington Post. August, 2014. http://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/08/20/how-to-teach-about-climate-without-making-your-individuals-feel-hopeless/



The Femme in STEM

How Female Representation in STEM Varies from High School, to PhD levels, to the Workforce



In this data inquiry, I researched two questions: (1) How do statistics of men vs. women involved in STEM change from the K12 system to graduate systems and, finally, to the workplace? (2) Are there any notable trends in this data?

The K12 data I used came from the College Board and the graduate and professional data I gathered came from the National Science Foundation (NSF). To compare the data, I determined the percentages of men vs. women at various levels, and calculated the percent changes between these numbers. To see my calculations, check out this Google spreadsheet.

Research and Findings:

As a former science teacher, I have always been fascinated by the interplay between STEM and gender. Over the past few years, an increasing amount of attention has been drawn to the statistical disparities between males and females. Yet, little research has aimed to track female involvement in sciences from the K12 school system to that of higher education and to that of the professional workforce. I chose to dive into these statistics for a data inquiry project for graduate school. As typically happens with my academic pursuits, I was surprised by my findings.


Chart 1: Chart 1 displays the average percentage of males vs. females in AP STEM courses. Overall, the numbers are very similar to one another –50.2% to 49.8%.

The first big surprise was the relative lack of disparity between overall enrollment in AP science courses at the high school level, which was the data set I chose analyze as a metric of female involvement in the K12 system. According to data released by the College Board, females and males are equally enrolled in high school AP science courses — with females representing on
average 49.8% of enrollment and males representing on average 50.2% (chart 1). To assess the statistical significance of this data, I performed a t-test. With a p-value of 0.49, my null hypothesis proved correct and the data sets of males versus females are not statistically significant from one another.

Still, males and females did evidence a gap in which AP science courses they pursued (chart 2 below). Females outweighed males (61% compared to 39%) in courses like biology, AP Environmental Science, and psychology (see chart 3 below) — courses that are typically defined as natural or health sciences, where empirical evidence of the scientific theories being proposed can be easily found. On the other hand, males constituted a higher enrollment percentage (57%) in courses like chemistry, physics, computer science, and math — courses that generally require more abstract thinking (see chart 4 below).


Chart 2: the number of males vs. females in different AP STEM courses. There are more females than males in math courses and hard science courses, while there are more females than males in the health science courses and psychology.


Chart 3: Percentage of males vs. females in natural science AP courses (biology, psychology, environmental Science). Here, the percentage of females enrolled is larger than the percentage of males.


Chart 4: percentage of males vs. females in physical science and math AP courses. Here, the percentage of enrolled males is larger than the percentage of females.

These statistics are exacerbated at the graduate school level. The percentage of women and men obtaining science PhDs in general are fairly similar—42% of women compared to 57.6% of males. But the gap in the sciences pursued widens when observing the male/female breakdown obtaining PhDs. Males account for nearly 3/4 of the hard science PhDs obtained (see chart 5 below), while females earn about 56% of natural science PhDs (see chart 6 below). The number of women who go into the hard sciences declined by about 41% from the K12 system, from 43% to 25.5%.


Chart 5: the percentage of males vs. females with hard science PhDs. “Hard science” refers to engineering, physics and chemistry. Here, the percentage of males who earn hard science PhDs is far larger than the percentage of females.


Chart 6: percentage of males vs. females who obtain natural science PhDs. “Natural science” refers to subjects like biology and psychology.

Despite the more equitable academic statistics, women are dramatically underrepresented in the professional workspace. According to data released from the National Science Foundation (NSF), women account for only 28% of the STEM workforce (see chart 7 below). The percentage of women who graduated with PhDs in science to those who work in science dropped by 35%, while the relative number of males increased by 26%. More specifically, women account for 33.6% of non-engineering science professions (chart 8). In the engineering field, the data becomes even worse; only 13% of all employed engineers are female (chart 9).


Chart 7: percentage of males vs. females in STEM professions — 72% to 28%.



Chart 8: percentage of males vs. females in science professions. Here, the number of males outweighs the number of females — 66.4% to 33.6%.


Chart 9: percentage of males vs. females in engineering professions — 87% to 13%.



Before conducting this data inquiry, I was well aware of the gender gap between men and women in the STEM sector. However, I did not know that this gap intensifies as individuals progress through the school system, and widens the most between school and the professional workforce.

To ameliorate this dismal statistical variance, we need to examine why there is such a drop-off for women in STEM in the workforce. Why is the professional sector so clearly dominated by men?

I also see a unique opportunity for us to start to increase female involvement in primary schools. I have always been fascinated by this ability of males to reason more abstractly, and for females to engage with the concrete. Because I think these differences are socially instigated rather than evolutionarily determined, I believe there are many chances to break down these barriers. For example, I think it would be fascinating to discuss what a feminist physics and chemistry curricula would look like or examine how STEM teachers can help their female students work on their abstract reasoning skills.


National Science Foundation. (2014) Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. Retrieved November 8th 2014, from http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/wmpd/2013/tables.cfm

National Science Foundation. (2014). Science and Engineering Indicators 2014, By National Science Board. Retrieved November 8th 2014, from http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/infbrief/nsf10308/nsf10308.pdf

The College Board. (2014). Program Summary Report. Retrieved November 8th 2014, from http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/research/2014/Prog-Summary-Report-2014.pdf

For my Google Spreadsheets and data, click here!

Science and the Common Core

* I originally hosted this post on the Edcite blog. Check out their outstanding blog for other posts I’ve written!

With the arrival of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), English and Math teachers have been busy at work. Still, science teachers, who are impacted by both the Common Core standards and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), are in a unique position as well. Thankfully, with a greater understanding of the Common Core science section, science teachers can prepare their students for both CCSS and NGSS simultaneously, and still infuse their classrooms with the rigorous, thought-provoking content that makes science classrooms so unique.
How does science play into the Common Core?

Science (and history, actually) technically falls under the ELA portion of the Common Core standards. Science-specific standards begin in the 6th grade. The science standards can be distinguished by the letters “RST”, which stand for “reading standards in science and technical subjects”. As the acronym implies, these standards focus mainly on literacy. Among other things, the standards assert that students should read age-appropriate science-level texts, understand domain-specific terminology, and distinguish between “fact” and “speculation” in science articles.

Now what?

Though your science classroom is likely infused with literacy already, implementing the 10 RST standards may still seem daunting. The 3-step method described below is one I used myself as the science department chair at KIPP San Jose Collegiate. This procedure will help you pinpoint department-wide areas of growth and give you discrete steps to address those needs.

Step 1: Determine Your Areas of Strength/Growth

To devise a meaningful implementation plan, the other science teachers and I first identified which standards our pedagogy addressed well and which standards were lacking from our classrooms. We structured our discussion by using a “Needs Analysis Worksheet”. I modified this worksheet for the rest of my department by writing in the science-specific standards, and then asked teachers to rank their efficacy of teaching those standards.

After reflecting individually, our team compared our rankings. Together, we listed 2-3 department strengths and 2-3 areas of growth. For example, my department recognized that we all teach standard RST.4, which asks students to “determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words…” We knew, for example, that students in all grades were familiar with the words hypothesis and pH, or that we regularly reviewed science vocabulary in our classrooms. On the other hand, our team acknowledged that we struggle with standard RST.6, which asks students to “analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation…” Though we often had students read science texts, such as published journal articles or news articles, we rarely asked students to ascertain the author’s reasoning, bias, or opinion.

Step 2: Standards Brainstorm Session:

Now that we had established which standards we hoped to focus on more as a department, my team and I began to brainstorm the “how”. This was the most helpful part of our strategy session by far. We went through our “Needs Worksheet” standard by standard and shouted out teaching methods that could be used. We weren’t thinking about the question in the frame of our own classrooms and we didn’t dive into our individual content areas; instead, we brainstormed general ideas for incorporating these standards in science. After generating a long list of science literacy strategies, we discussed ways we could implement these in our individual classrooms. Here are some of our ideas:

  • Have students read a science news article as their “Do Now”. This will not only help students build their reading skills, but will also expose them to the modern applications of the science they are learning. You can scaffold this activity for English Language Learners (ELLs) by printing out different articles for your class that span different reading levels, and intentionally (but subtly!) handing different articles to different students. You can review the content in each of the articles, so students think shutterstock_176221823you merely want to discuss different topics and don’t realize there is a greater reason behind which article they were given.
  • Offer students more opportunities to identify bias in written texts and science videos. Tell them they can disagree with an author! I did this in my class with this vaccines assignment, which helped push students to think critically about the sources they were reading and watching.
  • Read a book with your students! Our chemistry classes read “The Disappearing Spoon”, physics classes read “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”, biology classes read ““The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” and environmental classes read “The Omnivore’s Dilemma.”
  • When students are peer editing each other’s lab reports, ask them to highlight their peer’s hypothesis, thesis and concluding statements in different colors. This will not only help the original author distinguish if these were clear in their lab write-up, but it will help the revisor practice identifying these components in a text.

Step 3: Plan, Plan, Plan!

After these sessions, I typed a “Needs Analysis Summary” and our brainstorming ideas and sent them out to the team. I also brought physical copies to each of our planning sessions thereafter, since they served as great guides when revising our long-term plans over the summer or while creating new unit plans. Plus, continuing to discuss these topics as a department helped foster even more collaboration and facilitated our vertical planning, ensuring that the necessary Common Core skills are reinforced in each science course.

Though science teachers don’t need to prepare their students for a Common Core science exam, they can still use their classrooms as a way to reinforce key literacy strategies that will help students succeed on their other exams and in life. Discussing these standards as a department helped me realize that I was not alone; I could tackle this change with my colleagues, and with a greater community of science teachers who, like myself, want to do what’s best for their students. If you have any additional ideas around the Common Core and science, please include them in the comments below!